St. Bonaventure University

Oxford Courses & 教师

At Oxford, you have the opportunity to take two or three courses. Because these fulfill course requirements detailed in the SBU catalog, grades will be transferred directly to your St. Bonaventure transcript 和 degree audit.

虽然你可以选三门课程,但你最好选两门. 你在牛津学到的很多东西都来自于课堂之外——在美国的经历.K., of formal dinners of elegant food paired with the perfect wine, of traveling to other countries, 和 of the daily learning that comes from living abroad. 您可能希望优化您离开类和库的时间. That time, too, is invaluable learning time.

Many courses do not have prerequisites. 然而, if you plan to take an upper-level course offered at Oxford, 在参加暑期课程之前,您必须确保所有课程先决条件已经满足或通过副主任获得参与许可.


2024年开设的确切课程将在春季学期初根据学生的兴趣决定. The following is the list of courses which will be tentatively offered. 如果你对牛津感兴趣,请相应地计划你的春季校园日程.

Possible courses for 2024

  • Oxford 教师

    Dr. Clemena Antonova
    Dr. Clemena Antonova is a historian of art 和 literature with degrees from Edinburgh (M.A.) 和 Oxford (Ph.D.) universities. She has held research fellowships in France, 德国, 比利时, 和 奥地利 和 has taught at universities in Bulgaria, 摩洛哥, 和 Britain. 目前, 她是维也纳人文科学研究所“全球对话中的欧亚”项目的研究主任, 奥地利. 她还隶属于剑桥大学东正教研究所. Her fields of research 和 teaching interest include art history 和 theory; English 和 American literature; religious studies, 神学, 和 political theory.

    安妮•李 associate director of the 弗朗西斯·E. Kelley Oxford Program, 她在母校詹多里传播学院教授全球网赌十大网站学, St. Bonaventure University. 她在默瑟县(新泽西州)社区学院担任参考图书管理员, English composition instructor, Learning Center tutor, 和 mentor for the DREAM program for intellectually disabled students. 她写, edited 和 assigned news feature stories at Dorf Feature Service, an affiliate of The Star-Ledger, New Jersey’s largest newspaper, 和 was acting communications director for the County of Mercer, New Jersey’s capital county. She holds an MSLIS from Pratt Institute.

    Dr. 理查德•李
    Dr. 理查德•李 他是圣保罗大学詹多里传播学院的全球网赌十大网站和大众传播学教授. Bonaventure University 和 executive director of the J和oli Institute, which he defines as “a forum for academic research, 媒体与民主交集的创意与建设性辩论.” He is an alumnus of St. Bonaventure, holding a B.A. 用英语. He also earned an M.A. in public media arts from Montclair State University 和 a Ph.D. in media studies from Rutgers University. Lee was a visiting professor at John Cabot University in Rome, 意大利, teaching a course in Media 和 Elections in 2010. From 2006 to 2011, he taught Media 和 Government at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, 和, from 1996 to 2008, taught Public Relations 和 English composition at Mercer County (N.J.) Community College. He was the communications director 和 a founding member of the Hall Institute of Public Policy-New Jersey; a deputy communications director for two New Jersey governors; a public information officer for the Township of Woodbridge 和 for the New Jersey Assembly majority. Prior to those positions, he worked as a journalist, writing about news, 为《全球网赌十大网站》和《伍德布里奇全球网赌十大网站论坛报》撰写教育和政治方面的文章,为《全球网赌十大网站》撰写摇滚乐方面的文章.

    Dr. Adam Ritchie
    Dr. Adam Ritchie 是詹纳研究所的高级疫苗学家和圣. Catherine’s College, University of Oxford. His expertise is in immunology 和 infectious disease, 和 he has worked on a range of diseases including HIV/AIDS, rabies 和 malaria. Dr. 里奇参与了牛津-阿斯利康COVID-19疫苗的开发, 在疫苗生产过程中发挥主导作用,通过在170个国家生产和分发30多亿剂疫苗,至少挽救了600万人的生命. 他还致力于开发一种新的狂犬病疫苗和改进疫苗制造技术的项目, 同时参与整个大学的教学和招生工作. Adam has a B.Sc. 和Ph值.D. from the University of New South Wales, 澳大利亚, 和 a post-graduate diploma in education from the University of Oxford. He has received the St. Bonaventure University Medal of Honor for services to education, a Teaching Excellence Award from the University of Oxford, 和 has received the following awards related to his COVID-19 vaccine work: Royal Society Copley Medal; Pride of Britain Award; BSI Global Impact & Innovation Award; GQ Men of the Year Awards-Heroes of the Year, 和 the NHS Parliamentary Awards-The Excellence in Healthcare Award.